Friday, August 1, 2008

This actually happened

I've been off saving the streets from the criminals, so its left me little time to write this week. I was enjoying my powerwalk this morning with my 2 pups and the funniest thing happened to me (and its not the first time).

I was walking up the street and a huge dump truck stops across the street from me and is yelling something, I look over and the driver is trying to get my attention. He has cars waiting behind him so I figure it must be important to totally impede traffic.

He yells to me (and this is the truth)....Hey I have a female Rottweiler and I'm looking for a male to breed it to. That's a male right?"

Me: "yes it is"

Him: " Well I'm looking to breed her so do you want to get them together?" I HAVE NEVER MET THIS GUY and the traffic is just piling up behind him.

Me: " NO, my male is neutered".

He just said "aw crap" and drove off.

Like the late Bob Barker said "Please keep the animal population down, please spay and neuter your pets". This is not only for the sake of the millions of backyard bred animals born every year that are unfortunately euthanized due to over crowded shelters; but also so idiots like this guy today can't reproduce their pets for a quick $100.00 per pup and call himself a breeder!

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