Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Up the crick

Well me and Rugby have returned from our outdoor adventure in Algonquin park. We paddled 5 km, portaged 1.2 Km (twice) and paddled another Km only just to reach the campsite. We spent 4 days ruff'in it and we are only just recovering. Rugby proved to be a far better swimmer (part otter i swear) and spent hours just chasing sticks and doing laps in Rain Lake. She swam, played, dug, ran, and just enjoyed her 4 days with her best buddies Phelan, Irwin, Oakley, Pilot, and her new friends Viaduct and Robbie. Her feet are battered and her energy tank is depleted. My body is covered in bug bites and has still not stopped itching.

The dog paddling adventure tour was hard on us humans as we did all the work, but, was probably the highlight of Rugby's life. I got to fight mother nature and all the wonder she created in Algonquin Park - all while bonding with my best friend Rugby and my best friends of the human kind. It truly was an adventure worth trying.

Arranged camp trip..... $385.00

Cottage for a night......$50.60

Bug spray and Bandages..... $12.00

A trip bonding with friends and dogs..... PRICELESS

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