Today was the official launch of Doggyfitness. This friends and family class was a small class, but, a huge success. Not knowing how the dogs would be with the variety of running, agility moves, and people full body exercises- they did awesome. The crew and their fuzzy shadows paced themselves and I think we all had a blast trying too get our butts in shape. The level of class was "Couch potato no more" and was an intro class that had people and pets moving and the teams having to keep a close eye on each other to handle the course. Ann took a tumble (but her dog made the jump), Elisha is now going to become a marathon runner, and Adrienne will never look at a tree stumps the same way.
This was an awesome start to the many classes to come, and I want to thank everyone for being patient and such a great sport in my "little dog project" called Doggyfitness.
FYI stretching and ice will be your best friend in about 8 hours ;)
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