My background consists of a lifetime of fitness and working with dogs.
My University degree is a BSc Kinesiology specializing in Biomechanics, Nutrition, and Strength training.
I have successfully competed as a Canadian Powerlifter and have trained under World Class coaches.
I have completed both the physical testing for Firefighting and Police.
My dog history includes, breeding, training, and rehabilitating dogs. I have worked with service dogs, family pets and behavioural dogs.
This blog will combine my two passions fitness and dogs, now lets get started...
I look forward to meeting all of you soon,
Sara Clark
When doing any physical activity with your dog be very conscious of running them with a full stomach of water or food. I like to make sure that if my guys are going for a big run or swim they have an empty stomach or have eaten at least 2-3 hours prior. Likewise for post workout, I wait until they are done panting heavily until they are fed a large meal.
This helps reduce the risk of gastric torsion or bloat.
This is the twisting of the stomach and then obstruction occurs, usually by the the time symptoms are present the chance of survival of your pup is greatly reduced.
Watch for symptoms of standing or moving with caution, difficulty breathing, trying to vomit, and the tell tale sign of a distended abdomen. Take your dog to the vet immediately!
Last week I went to the Mayan Riviera for a relaxing vacation. Mexico has variations of animals that are common to Canada, one of which is the raccoon. Their raccoons are not fat like ours, and tend to be more brownish in colour.
While on a walk one day I see this Mexican raccoon that is not shying away from people- me the animal lover decides to go befriend it.
So I pick up a leaf to try and trick it into thinking it is food. The sweet little thing comes up to me all shy and sniffs the "treat" it was getting. Well the raccoons in Mexico have hot little tamale tempers cause once it found out that it was a leaf I had, and not a treat, fuzzy sweet raccoon got cranky. It pulled its head back, snarled its little lip, and bitch slapped me with its evil claw as if to say "how dare you tourist try to feed me a leaf!".
Off it went into the bush and i was left rubbing my hand where I got shamed by Mad Mexican Raccoon.
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