Sunday, July 27, 2008

One Great Step

Today I went to a dog birthday party with my crew. At the bottom of the page you can see my two Rugby (lab) and Kona (Rottweiler), Rugby is my guide dog that was disqualified due to elbow dysplasia and she is going to be five (next week). Kona is my rescue that I saved from being gassed in an over crowded shelter in Michigan, he was next in line. I have only had Kona for 3 months and he has come so far in that short time. He was over weight, he had muscle atrophy from sitting in a small pen and not being exercised.

I have built Kona up in conditioning, cardio, and socially. He was badly abused by a male and is very shy around men. His exposure to other dogs was unknown. He came to me a very untrusting, sad, and an unhealthy boy. In 3 months i have been working hard with him to give him the loving safe home he deserves. About the party...

Today was Hogans birthday party. Kona and Rugby packed their presents and arrived at the bash, to meet other workmates, their families and pets. Kona impressed me so much because he not only took loving and pats from lots of men, but had a good day with the pups too. He met a Jack Russel, a Rottie cross, and an Australian Shepherd. This is Konas first big outing since i got him, where he was bombarded with lots of new human and fuzzy friends. One of the this big reasons i know he succeeded today because from day one in my care he's had the following:

1) love
2) obedience
3) boundaries
4) lots of exercise
5) lots of stimulation (external walks, runs, tasks)
6) Rugby his best friend
7) built trust between us through all the above CONGRATS KONA!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No bones about it...

Exercising with your dog can be beneficial to both parties (if done correctly). Not only are there weight loss and health benefits for you and your sidekick, but there are so many more cookies (oops I mean rewards) in it for for you.

One of the fastest ways to train your dog to be attentive and respect you is by working and giving your pup new tasks. Dogs love to be stimulated!! by learning new skills, sniffing the local fire hydrant, or just by life in general outside the house and fenced yard. You can see the dull glaze over a dogs eyes that only know the "fair weather walk", the let out in the same yard, and playing the 5 minute game of fetch you have been playing with them since they were a pup.

One of the most common reason for the dog that won't listen, that keeps chewing your furniture, and is over all the "little brat under your feet", is due to BOREDOM.

Getting your dog out of the house for 30 minutes can help curb all the above negative behaviours and build a better bond between you and your shadow. Spice up the walk by adding some obedience commands to your walks, change directions without telling them, or a quick sprint to the stop sign, both of these simple tricks get your dogs attention and get that gerbil wheel rolling. A stimulated dog is a happy dog!

Adding variety to your every day walk will not only deepen your dogs love and respect for you, but, more importantly, you mguys will have fun !!!

TIP. Reward your dog often with small pats, good boys, and the odd treat. Find your dogs motivation to please, and work that into your exercises.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Puppy Steps

I have a full time job as a cop, this is all secondary for now but, will one day will be my primary focus. I have had a lifetime of history with both fitness and dogs, and have been searching for that perfect career that combines my two passions; I now realize that I have to create that ideal job.

In the new few months I will be launching a series of programs that cater to Human fitness, Dog fitness, and my cup of tea- Human/Pet combined fitness. If you have any suggestions or need that one-on-one trainer contact me at

I look forward to meeting lots of new people, and puppies and working with them to reach their goals!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ruff Start

Starting a workout regime is tough enough, add long hours at work, family/social obligations, and just life in general. Working out with your best friend/dog makes it a easy simple way to get that butt kick you need. Nothing motivates you more than a pair of sad eyes and whimper from you pal to get you off the couch. By training with your pooch, you benefit in so many ways...

1) NO work outs at the gym THEN walking the dog with what little energy you have left from your day
2) NO plastic people in way too short shorts, or tight clothing ,glaring at you in the gym cause your "new" and actually do eat more than protein bars
3) NO expensive gym memberships that drain your already skint bank account
4) both you and your pet will bond, get fit, and you both lose that winter weight together!

I could go on and on on the benefits but its just another excuse for you to not exercise. Get going

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well here it goes the first post. I am new to all this blogging stuff so we will see where we end up. My intention for this site is to help educate you and your dog when starting up a fitness program. Whether you are trying to get you in shape, your dog a little "less lovable" in places, or both of you venture out together- I'm here to guide you. So grab your runners, grab your leash, and lets get moving.......